Fast Facts

MRU by the numbers


Last updated on April 18, 2024

Student population

Total number of students

Icon of a group of people

Source: 2022/23 Learner and Enrolment Reporting System

Total full load equivalent (FLE)

Icon of books



Source: 2022/23 Learner and Enrolment Reporting System
FLE represents an institution's Full Load Equivalent (FLE) in a fiscal year within Alberta's Publicly Funded Post-Secondary Education System

Degree FLE as proportion of FLE

Icon of a graduation cap



Source: 2022/23 Learner and Enrolment Reporting System

Percentage of students from Calgary

Icon of a cowboy hat



Source: 2022/23 Learner and Enrolment Reporting System

International students

Icon of a globe



Source: 2022/23 Learner and Enrolment Reporting System

Self-identified Indigenous students as a proportion of all students in all ministry-approved programs

Source: 2022/23 Learner and Enrolment Reporting System


The student experience and outcomes

Percentage of first-year students said they were satisfied with their decision to attend MRU

Icon of a hand holding a heart


Source: CUSC 2021 Graduating Student Survey

Percentage of fourth-year students said they were satisfied with the overall quality of education they received at MRU

Icon of a group of people and a circle

Source: CUSC 2021 Graduating Student Survey

Percentage of MRU graduates in the workforce were employed within six months of completing their MRU program

Icon of a briefcase


Source: Graduate Follow-up Survey 2022

Percentage of Mount Royal graduates who said their job is related to the general skills and abilities they acquired in their MRU program

Icon of a star and ribbon

Source: Graduate Follow-up Survey 2022

Number of parchments awarded in the 2022/23 fiscal year

Icon of degree parchment


Source: 2022/23 Learner and Enrolment Reporting System

Value of scholarships and bursaries distributed to students

Icon of stack of dollar bills

$5.1 million


Number of degrees

Icon of a rolled degree parchment


Number of majors

Combined icon of the earth, a book and a beaker


Average number of students per credit lecture as of add drop date

Icon of a school desk




Total revenue: $249 million

All values in $ million
116 31 73
Revenue type Amount
Government grants (included Government of Alberta, federal and other grants) 106
Tuition and fees 99
Services and products 29
Other (includes donations, other grants and investment income) 16


  Government grants (included Government of Alberta, federal and other grants)


  Tuition and fees


  Services and products


  Other (includes donations, other grants and investment income)



Total expenses: $241 million 1

All values in $ million
93 22 35 37 45
Expenditure Type Amount
Instruction 96
Academic and student support 46
Facility operations and maintenance 39
Institutional support 37
Other (ancillary services and sponsored research) 22




  Academic and student support


  Facility operations and maintenance


  Institutional support


Other (ancillary services, sponsored research and restricted and endowment activities)

The operating surplus is presented prior to allocation of funds for board-approved institutional initiatives.



Number of employees:

Source: Office of Institutional Research and Planning
As of Oct. 1, 2022