Our Vision: "Creating exceptional learning experiences for a world of possibilities"
Learning has no borders. To ensure the richest education possible, Mount Royal University has built an international education program that is widely regarded as a leading-edge. Through the development and delivery of programs related to student mobility and faculty exchanges, and through the provision of specialized student supports dedicated to our international student population, our focus is to ensure Mount Royal students can have the opportunity to enrich their education and expand their understanding of the world.
Choose your adventure
Why should you study abroad?
Gain valuable skills and experience - From learning a few words in the local language to collaborating in the classroom, develop your intercultural skills and understanding, both personally and professionally.
Globalize your degree - Make your degree stand out by adding international experience to it. Studying abroad is also an excellent way to develop international connections.
Expand your perspective - Connecting with people from a variety of professional and cultural backgrounds will be sure to help you see the world in new ways.
Personal growth - Grow by jumping outside of your comfort zone!
Have an unforgettable experience - Everything from the people you meet in the classes you take will come together to create one unforgettable experience.

Are you looking to improve your English Language skills?
The Language Education for Academic Purposes (LEAP) program offers high-quality English language instruction, developing the language skills necessary for success in academic settings. This supports a smooth transition from language classes to credit studies in undergraduate programs.

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